Christmas At The Vatican

Another one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. It reminded us a lot of traveling to see the Emperor while living in Japan many years ago to hear his New Year’s blessing and speech to the people. While we are not Catholic and not super religious, we decided to take part in this trip. We arrived early to St.Peter’s Basilica. The piazza was eerily empty. We walked around to look at the Christmas tree and nativity scene that was placed in the middle and then made our way inside the church. There was still more time to revisit the church again and be re-amazed at the grandness of this place. At last morning mass began. We soaked up the hymns and preachings and were as respectful as we could be. Although, I did see a lot of tourists there holding up phones and video recording many things. They are probably used to it here, allowing outsiders in and all, but it didn’t feel right; so I only got a few shots and only when it was appropriate. We finished just in time to walk outside, find a good spot, and listen to the Pope’s Christmas speech to the people. The piazza outside the church was no longer vacant. Crowds of people were in every direction- even above! It’s still amazing to think back on how we were in one of the most historical places on Earth, watching a man known and loved by millions around the world, at such a special time of the year. Wow.

Afterwards we were starving! We were taken to a restaurant not from the Basilica with a very cute theme that served traditional Roman dishes such as saltimbocca.


Lindsay View All →

Our roots will forever be from here, America, born and raised. Yet, life requires us to move more frequently than we care to count. Whether living stateside or abroad, you can always find us traveling somewhere. We scout out places that you only think you can dream of one day seeing and we seek out those that aren’t found in guidebooks. We then bring them to life here in our travel memos, so hopefully, one day you too can visit them or at least be able to live vicariously through us. This blog isn’t just about crossing off places from a bucket list. It’s about absorbing and learning how other cultures grow and fit into the same world that we do. Life is short and the world is big. Enjoy and get out there!

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